Tuesday 12 February 2013

XB3002 GAMES FUTURES #3: Project Plan

This is a copy of the Project Plan I handed in during the 4th week of this module. It covers my aims for this assignment, as well as a timetable of when I plan to work on the deliverables

Project Aims
This XB3002 Games Futures Definition Project will focus on the development of video-game concepts based on research gathered during the previous module, DD3000 Design Futures. As a result, this particular assignment will revolve around the subject of cloning, specifically the scientific advancements and ethical questions it presents. In addition to this, part of this module will also be devoted to preparing for future job prospects through the compilation of portfolios and CVs.

Intended Actions
  • The majority of the research used for this module will be recycled from last semester’s DD3000 project, which explored the science and ethical implications of cloning technologies
  • Additionally, there will be some investigation into current market trends and existing video-game elements, as well as an in-depth examination of specific AAA and Indie games studios

Games Concept:
  • The first deliverable will be 3 aesthetically-pleasing 2-page Games Concept Documents, each describing a unique game idea based on research from last semester’s DD3000 project. One of these game concepts will then be taken forward and used as the basis for a 30-page visually-rich Game Design Document and a 15 minute professional Games pitch
  • The game ideas themselves will likely focus on the scientific applications of cloning (eg. replacing lost units, damaged parts etc.), as well as the health risks and ethical quandries

Portfolios/ CVs:
  • In addition to the aforementioned documents, a collection of material required for a job interview at both a specific AAA and Indie games studio will also be assembled.
  • These will include a portfolio of existing work, an accompanying CV, cover letter and a 250-word company analysis document. Two copies of these materials will be delivered, which will be specifically tailored to the two respective games studios
  • At present, the chosen games studios will likely be Ubisoft (AAA) and thatgamecompany (Indie).

By the end of this project, the following will have been delivered:-
  • 3x small Concept Documents exploring game ideas related to cloning
  • 1x 30 Page visually rich Games Design Document detailing one of the aforementioned game ideas
  • A 15 minute professional Games Pitch based on the above document
  • 2x tailored portfolios, CVs, Cover letters and company analysis documents for both a AAA and Indie games studio
  • A detailed research blog containing all research findings and progress throughout the year


General working days for this module: Tuesdays and Saturdays

Week 18
Tuesday 5th

Saturday 9th

Planning GDD and beginning Written content (Overview –Mechanics)

Research into Games Companies for CVs

Week 19
Tuesday 12th

Saturday 16th

Continue Written content (Sounds -Level + Gameplay Example)and create Layout Artwork for GDD

Research into Games Companies for CVs

Week 20
Tuesday 19th

Saturday 23rd

Finish Written Content and begin Artwork (Title - Mechanics) for GDD

Continue GDD Artwork (Mechanics – UI)

Week 21
Tuesday 26th

Saturday 2nd

All remaining Artwork for GDD (UI - Level + Gameplay Examples)

Begin work on Games Pitch
Week 22
Tuesday 5th

Wednesday 6th

Saturday 9th

Finish Games Pitch presentation

Games Pitch presentation

Finish entire GDD
Week 23
Tuesday 12th

Saturday 16th

Compile Portfolios, write CVs for both Indie and AAA studios

Finish CVs/ begin cover letters
Week 24
Tuesday 19th

Saturday 23rd

Write up cover letters and Company Analysis documents for Indie and AAA studios

Finish writing materials for studio interviews

Easter Holidays
Throughout –

Final touches/ finishing off all unfinished work
Week 25
Tuesday 16th

Saturday 20th

Final touches/ finishing off all unfinished work

Final touches/ finishing off all unfinished work

Week 26
Tuesday 23rd

Wednesday 24th

Final touches/ finishing off all unfinished work

Final Hand-In of all deliverables

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