Thursday 21 February 2013

XB3001 GAMES PROPOSAL #15: Level Preproduction Part 1- Idea

Been a while since my last XB3001 post. This is the first of a series of eight posts detailing the preproduction process of my own level. This one focuses on the Idea stage.

Deciding what the core idea behind my level was a relatively simple process. After all, in his book Level Design: Concept, Theory & Practice, Rudolf Kremer states that levels are environments specifically created to facilitate gameplay. They're constructs that allow game mechanics to convey their depth and meaning.
Given that the level had to be based on my chosen theme of morality, this effectively left one clear option:-

A Test of Character

More specifically, the idea was that the level would be a series of trials designed to test the player's moral fibre in various ways. Being something of a mythology buff, I've always found stories where characters are unwittingly chosen to prove their worth to some higher power to be quite interesting, hence my choice for this stage of Preproduction.

The next Preproduction stage is Purpose and Features.

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