Thursday 27 September 2012

XB3001 GAMES PROPOSAL #2 - Initial Ideas

As promised, here are some initial ideas I have for what theme I am going to use for XB3001. Ordinarily I would have combined this post with the intro to the module, but since we had to post two different blog updates this week, it made more sense to do them both separately...

So, the candidates are:-

- The Morality of Man

- Our need for Gods/ Religion (explored via Chariots of the Gods)

- Fear of Death

- Dimensions

- Autistic Spectrum Disorder

- Humanity's Primal Instincts

- What makes us Individuals? (explored via Cloning)

- What is it to be Alive? (explored via Artificial Intelligence)

So, yeah, quite a list there. These are just some initial ideas. The next XB3001 post should include the final Project Plan.

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