Tuesday 25 September 2012

DD3000 DESIGN FUTURES #1 - Intro to Futures

Ok, first things first, let me just go over what Design Futures entails for anyone who isn't aware.

The Design Futures module involves exploring the meaning of 'future' in the context of Games Design. It actually comprises of two modules, with the first being completed this semester and the second after Christmas. For the former, DD3000, we have to produce a research report about an important future event or anniversary, complete with a speculative future scenario.
Of course, the event we choose as the subject of our research cannot be related to video-games in any way (i.e. no Wii U or Xbox 720) and has to occur either in 2013 or 2014. For my own project, I've already gathered a shortlist of potential choices for this event. They include:-

- 10th Anniversary of Dolly the Sheep's death (2013)

- 50th Anniversary of JFK's assassination (2013)

- 550th Anniversary of William Shakespeare's birth (2013)

- Google Glass (2014)

- Various space flight events, including China's first unmanned Moon landing, NASA's mission to Venus and Virgin Galactic (2013/2014)

And that's about it. Again, as with the Honours Projects, I need to check these through with Joe before I choose one (y'know... to make sure that they're appropriate and everything). I'll post the complete project plan later this week.

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