Tuesday 9 October 2012

XB3001 GAMES PROPOSAL #3: Project Plan

Yet another project plan. This time it's for the Games Proposal module, XB3001.
Out of the options I listed from my last post, I ended up choosing the Morality of Mankind as my chosen theme. I've already been brainstorming ideas of how to translate this theme into a game concept for this module's first assignment. For now, here's the plan itself:

Project Aims
For this XB3001 Games Proposal project, the theme of the Morality of Mankind will be explored. The work produced throughout this module will examine how different parts of world perceive what is right and wrong, as well as the internal conflict and duality that often arises when these views are challenged and explored.

Intended Actions
  • The research will begin by looking into the different moral views of various cultures throughout human history. Examples of these include ideologies such as Fascism and Capitalism and religions such as Christianity and Buddhism.
  • It will also look into aspects of psychology that relate to the theme, such as Sigmund Freud’s theory of Id, Ego and Super-Ego. This will also include books, films and other media that have used this as a theme, such as Heart of Darkness, Se7en and Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Game Concept:
  • The Game Concept will explore the theme through gameplay that forces players to make morally questionable choices as well as having the game world react to their choices.
  • Examples of how this could be done include two conflicting NPCs that guide the player towards different paths and a sandbox game where player must play as a law enforcement official.
Character Creation:
  • The Characters will explore the theme with designs that reflect the inner conflict and duality of right and wrong.
  • Characters with one side displaying light and the other darkness are one way that this could be achieved.
Level Design:
  • Like the Game Concept, the Level Design will explore the game by offering different choices that change how the player progresses.
  • One way that this could be done is to have these choices dictate the path that the player follows.
Environment Design:
  • Like the Characters, the environment will be designed to signify the inner conflict and duality.
  • A method of accomplishing this would be to build the environment with object that have a ‘civilised’ exterior, with a more ‘primal’ interior bursting out.

By the end of this module, the following will be handed in:-
  • A 15-20 page Concept Document for a game based on the contextual theme
  • The concept art and 3D models of two characters based on the contextual theme
  • A 3-5 minute UDK demo based on the contextual theme with a level design document
  • Concept art and a diorama of an environment based on the Contextual theme
  • A blog detailing the research and development of all the above deliverables throughout the year


Week 1

Intro to Module/ Project Plan
Week 2

Project Plan
Week 3

Project Plan/ Begin Research and Brainstorming for Assignment 1
Week 4

Research and Brainstorming for Assignment 1/ Taking chosen idea through the Design Process
Week 5

Writing Up Concept Document for Assignment 1
Week 6

Writing Up Concept Document/ Creating Artwork and Diagrams for Concept Document
Week 7

Assignment 1 Hand-In/ Researching Ideas for Assignment 2
Week 8

Research and Brainstorming for Assignment 2/ Design Sheets for both Characters
Week 9

Design Sheets for both Characters
Week 10

Building Low-Poly Character Model w/ unwrapping
Week 11

Building High-Poly Character
Week 12

Building High-Poly Character/ Unwrapping and Texturing for both Characters
Week 13

Assignment 2 Hand-In
Christmas Holidays

Preparatory work for Assignment 3 (Learning UDK and Kismet)

Week 14

Planning out Level Design drafts
Week 15

Planning out Level Design drafts/ Writing up Level Design Document
Week 16

Writing up Level Design Document
Week 17

Begin Building UDK Game Demo
Week 18

Building UDK Game Demo
Week 19

Building UDK Game demo
Week 20

Assignment 3 Hand-In/ Commence planning Payout of Assignment 4
Week 21

Planning Out Layout of Assignment 4/ Designing Environment
Week 22

Designing Environment/ Building Assets for Environment
Week 23

Building Assets for Environment
Week 24

Building Assets for Environment/ Texturing
Easter Holidays

Finish Building Assets for Environment/ Texturing/ Placing Finished Environment into UDK and adding particle effects
Week 25

Placing Finished Environment into UDK and adding particle effects
Week 26

Assignment 4 Hand-In/ Final Hand-In

Next XB3001 post will include some research and brainstorming. Until then, i have some Design Futures work to post

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